If you are planning to bring pets (dogs, monkeys, cats) into Indonesia, it is important to be aware of the necessary procedures. To ensure a smooth entering Indonesia, you must obtain entry import permits from the Director of Animal Health, Directorate General of Animal Husbandry in Jakarta ( Ministry of Agriculture). These permits are mandatory and serve as official documentation for the importation of pets. By following the proper channels and obtaining the required permits, you can ensure a hassle-free experience when bringing your beloved pets to Indonesia.
Procedure to apply for the Pet Import permits:
To bring pets (dogs, monkeys, cats, and other animals) into Indonesia, you must submit permit applications to the Director of Animal Health, Directorate General of Animal Husbandry in Jakarta. It is important to submit these applications at least one month prior to the planned arrival.
In the letter of application for entry permits, the following information about the animal should be included:
- Name (of the pet)
- Age
- Color
- Sex
- Species
- Special Mark(s)
- Address in Indonesia
Before applying for entry permits to the Director of Animal Health, it is important for the owner or responsible party in Indonesia to take an additional step. They should obtain a letter of recommendation from the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry – Provincial Office in the province where the pet will reside. This letter serves as a supporting document and showcases the compliance of the pet owner with local regulations. By obtaining this letter of recommendation, you can ensure a smoother process when applying for the necessary entry permits for your pets. Additionally, Pet Travel Indo can assist you in navigating through the requirements and procedures involved in bringing pets to Indonesia.
Requirements bringing pets to Indonesia:
- Pets must have Health Certificates issued by a government or practicing veterinarian in the country of origin. The certificate should state that the pet has been examined and found to be healthy. Additionally, it should confirm that there have been no reported cases of rabies in the area where the pet resides for the past 4 months.
- The pet should have a Rabies Vaccination Certificate stating that the pet has received a Rabies vaccine within the last 12 months prior to departure (except for pets from rabies free countries areas where rabies vaccinations are not conducted).
Quarantine Procedure:
- The Quarantine Office of the port of entry should be notified of the time and date of the animal’s arrival so that pet inspection can be arranged upon arrival.
- The owner/importer or appointed pet relocation agent (Pet Travel Indo) is responsible for the pet upon arrival at the port of entry. They should arrange for an examination by a veterinarian at the Quarantine Office at the port of entry to finalize the process.
Documents should be submitted to the veterinarian at the office of quarantine at the port of entry, including:
- Import permit issued by the Director of Animal Health, Directorate General of Animal Husbandry
- Health Certificate and Rabies Vaccination Certificate from the veterinarian in the country of origin
- Pet Rabies Titre test
Examination at the quarantine office:
- If the pet is found healthy and free from indications of rabies, and all necessary documents are obtained, it can be released immediately from quarantine with the veterinarian’s permission (quarantine permit) usually take 14 days or can be early and maximum 30 days.
- If the pet is found healthy and free from indications of rabies, but the necessary documents are incomplete, the quarantine veterinarian will allow time for the completion of the required documents. The pet will be held in quarantine during this time.
- If the pet is found healthy and free from indications of rabies, but the documents are not completed on time or it comes from a rabies-infected area, the pet will be quarantined for four months.
- Other important considerations include:
Summary Bringing Pets to Indonesia:
- Healthy pets with complete documents can be released from quarantine immediately.
- Pets with incomplete documents will be held in quarantine until the necessary paperwork is completed.
- Pets from rabies-infected areas or with incomplete/missing documents will be quarantined for four months (except rabies free areas will be short quarantine).
- Consider using Pet Travel Indo as an agent for assistance with pet travel arrangements.
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